NHSACA Executive Board Monthly Newsletter

Hello NHSACA Members,
Today is January 20th, 2025. I am sitting here finally getting around to the NHSACA January newsletter, and thinking to myself - “jeez, I really needed a day off to get around to doing this.” I erased everything that I had back on January 2nd, because 80% of it was no longer relevant, especially in this fast-paced world, where 18 days is a monumental difference anymore. Then, in my own selfish act of thanking God that I didn’t have work today, I missed the whole point of why this day is so significant - the observance of Martin Luther King Day - a federal holiday in the U.S. honoring the civil rights leader's legacy. How could I forget my attempts in the past to use this day as a reason to introduce my kids to doing something notable - some sort of community service, or a reflection of equality and justice.
I did my normal thing that I do when I want to sit down and write, which was turn on the television for some good ole fashioned white noise. I didn’t make it past the previous paragraph before I was dialed in to watching people fight or celebrate about Donald Trump - talk about quite the spectrum. Now I know what some of you are thinking, politics - don’t go there Dan, but this isn’t about politics. In that moment, I realized that I was so out of touch with reality, that I didn’t even know that today was Inauguration Day either.
So this sent me down a rabbit hole... what else is happening on January 20th - what has happened in the past that I didn’t pay attention to because my life was so important and so busy. So I did what any upstanding citizen would do and I went to AI. With a little song and dance, ChatGPT told me all of those things in addition to the following:
January 20 marks the start of the Aquarius zodiac sign, which runs from January 20 to February 18. Aquarians are often associated with innovation, humanitarianism, and independence...
By the way, I am an Aquarius...
2009: Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, becoming the first African American to hold the office...
This seems like yesterday. I was an English teacher still in the classroom, and I remember the world coming to a stop to watch the event. That was 16 years ago, and I believe, although my memory is failing, my first day back to school because my first child was born just days before.
1930: Buzz Aldrin, American astronaut and the second person to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was born.
I looked up the death of Buzz Aldrin, and I could not find it - you know why - because he is still alive today, which means his family is somewhere in Montclair, New Jersey celebrating his 95th birthday as you read this letter. It’s been 56 years since he walked on the moon - when did he land on the moon? Well, he was 39 years old, and he landed on the moon with Neil Armstrong on January 20th, 1969 - on his birthday...
The list goes on and on:
The start of “I Love Lucy” in 1953
The launch of the first commercial radio station in Pittsburgh in 1920 The start of the first Winter Olympics in 1924 in Chamonix, France The end of prohibition in 1933... on and on and on...
So what started off as a letter that some of you thought might go off on topics of racial equality, politics, or commentary about our current state world mindset - is not that at all. So what is the point of all of this exactly? It
sounds like the point I am trying to make in this NHSACA January newsletter is one of reflection - about how easy it is to get caught up in the fast-paced nature of life and miss the significance of certain days or moments.
My letter is a call to all NHSACA members to slow down and appreciate the importance of the moment - whether it's remembering the legacy of figures like Martin Luther King Jr., reflecting on historical events, or even just taking a moment to recognize the significance of personal milestones like Buzz Aldrin's birthday. It's a reminder that there’s value in pausing, reflecting, and being present, rather than just rushing through life and missing out on the deeper meanings behind certain dates and events.
As I was sitting here writing this, and I came to the realization that one of those dates created a moment of reflection back on my own family, and how in that time - I blinked, and my son is now 16 and driving (as of last week - help me Lord), I thought - I cannot wait another 16 years before I have this moment again - only to see how much has changed in the short time that we have with one another - wishing that I had that time back with my family - a son who is now 32, probably with a family and a life of his own.
Take these moments in - life’s things can wait. While this letter probably should have come out weeks ago, nobody was ruined by it being late and to be quite honest, I put a lot of family things first on the list of priorities - and that is the way that it should be for everyone. I hope that your fast-paced life allowed you to slow down and read what I have written here - and if you have made it this far, I envy your willingness to take the time to stay deep in thought and see the efforts that are being put forth by this wonderful committee. If my message reaches even one person, and convinces them to slow down or take that extra moment with their loved one(s) today, that I am all the more better for having taken the time to write this.
NOW! Let’s talk NHSACA logistics: The deadline for COTY finalists to submit their applications was extended to January 10th. History seems to be repeating itself, as we also extended this deadline last year into January, but I think it's great that the NHSACA continues to show flexibility. While it's tempting to stick to the original deadline, I think this pivot demonstrates that this organization truly cares and wants to do right by this entire process. Think of it as a bunch of referees getting together, after the call has been made, but taking the time to make sure that they get it right in the end. I will never have a problem with making sure the end result is the right one, no matter the time or extra commitment that it takes. Also, I want to take this moment to remind everyone to get their Hall of Fame forms submitted and to send in a Kathy Holloway Nomination if you have one.
Now that it is officially 2025, I know many of you are getting just as excited as I am for the upcoming NHSACA Convention in South Dakota! Mark your calendars for June 21 - June 25, because those dates are fast approaching, and we’re going to make it a convention to remember! Not only will we be soaking up the local culture, but we’ll also get some fantastic professional development in the process. With a mix of great speakers, hands-on workshops, and maybe even a few jokes thrown in by yours truly, it’s going to be a memorable event. Get ready for an experience that will both energize and inspire, all while embracing the warmth and charm of South Dakota. You won't want to miss it!
The executive committee met in December, and it was fantastic to touch base on the convention details. I’m always impressed by the commitment of those involved. These positions are often filled with individuals who have no obligation beyond their own generosity and the dedication to make a difference, and it’s truly inspiring.
For many of us, the holiday season is behind us and we are back to the grind, but do not forget that it is a time when we can be more present with those who matter most, and this year, I hope you continue to find that time to recharge with your own families. Whether it was enjoying the simplicity of a quiet night in or the joyful chaos of the holiday
hustle, those moments are the ones that keep us going in our work with kids, schools, and communities. Let’s all continue to cherish and prioritize our families, as they are the true source of our strength.
Last, but not least, our NHSACA APPAREL STORE is now LIVE, and for those of you that do not have the direct link - here it is:
Now I had some young coaches over in New Jersey tell me the items that they would want, but we can keep adding things to it. I want to have a mix of affordable items, and some stuff for those that are a little more bougie - but the goal is not only to get people wearing NHSACA gear, but to have an additional revenue stream for the organization. We will see how it goes, collect the data, and pivot in the years to come.
I look forward to seeing everyone this year in South Dakota - six years ago I was tempted by the landscape of South Dakota as a reason to head out to a North Dakota NHSACA conference - it was the first time I was introduced to everyone and it was such an amazing time, that I never left any of my new friends behind...
Dan Uszaki
NHSACA 3rd Vice President
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