30 Lessons Learned Over a Lifetime of Coaching

30 Lessons Learned Over a Lifetime of Coaching By Greg Berge
Billy Graham once said, “A coach will impact more people in just one year than most people will in their entire lifetime."
This statement couldn’t be more true. Team sports are the ultimate classroom for life, teaching invaluable lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and character every single day. As coaches, we carry the unique responsibility of helping our student-athletes develop skills that will serve them for a lifetime.
The start of a new year is a perfect time for reflection and goal setting. As I enter my 30th year in Education (10 as a teacher, 20 as a high school principal, and 30+ as a coach), I have been reflecting on the many lessons I have learned along the way.
With that in mind, I am excited to share 30 lessons learned from my journey in coaching and leadership.
30 Lessons Learned over a Lifetime of Coaching and Leadership.
1. Coaching is all about relationships. Work to build relationships with your players.
2. Play the long game with culture. There are no shortcuts to success.
3. Find a way to develop your team leaders. Don’t hope or wish for leaders.
4. After a win, you are never as good as you think. And after a loss, you never played as poorly as you thought.
5. When in doubt, less is more. The earlier you learn this, the better.
6. As the coach, you are the leader. Everyone looks to you. Lead by example in all you do.
7. How do I define culture? Culture is what you allow, culture is what you emphasize, and culture is every day.
8. Create your practices with a purpose. Remember, less is often more.
9. Try doing things in groups of 3. It is simple and easy for everyone to remember.
10. Energy givers make a team. Find ways to acknowledge and reward your energy givers.
11. Put your players in situations where they can use their strengths. A great life lesson that sports teach: “Be great at what you are good at.”
12. Communication is critical for coaches. Be clear, concise, and proactive. It is always better to over-communicate.
13. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare yourself to others.
14. Be a lifelong learner. The best coaches constantly learn and improve. You never arrive as a coach.
15. There is no substitute for hard work. As a coach, model the work ethic and commitment you want from your players.
16. Culture is every day. You must think this way. If not, your culture will erode.
17. Find a supportive spouse. Coaching is challenging and time-consuming.
18. Over-communicate roles for your players and team. Role definition is one of the most under-appreciated yet essential aspects of coaching.
19. Remember, leadership is a lifestyle. Be a servant leader.
20. Do not try to please anyone. It is impossible and will only cause problems.
21. Be incredibly honest with kids and parents. Do not sugarcoat anything. It gets you in trouble. Honesty and transparency are critical.
22. Do yourself a favor and be very organized. Being organized shows your competence to others.
23. Celebrate the small wins. Use the game within the game to set goals. Meeting little goals allows you to reach bigger goals.
24. Focus on the process, not the prize.
25. Always celebrate WE over ME.
26. Think about your player's mental health. It is more important than ever.
27. Get to know your parents when their kids are young. These relationships are essential later on.
28. Failure is growth. Create this mindset. Control the narrative on the word "failure" with your players.
29. The standard is the standard. All teams want to win, and all teams think they play hard. Remember, it is always the standards by which these things are done that matter.
30. Finally, enjoy the time with your players and have fun! Make Memories; it goes fast!
As you start a new year, I hope you all feel the support of the coaching community. It is so essential that we work together to grow and develop all of our coaches.
Please know how important you all are in the lives of our students. Remember, our kids need great coaches. Good luck!
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